PFXGP4601TADR CAD Data(3D) Summary To reduce file size, some parts have been simplified. This 3D data is intended for design consideration. Data not required for this purpose has been omitted. Terms of use / Cautions Please acknowledge the following terms of use before you use our download...
Terms and conditions Télécharger un fichier STEP Cad_STEP_PFXGP4601TAD_PFXGP4601TADC_PFXGP4601TMD.exe 3.67 MB (3 845 035 Byte) IGES Cad_IGES_PFXGP4601TAD_PFXGP4601TADC_PFXGP4601TMD.exe 7.10 MB (7 448 683 Byte)
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Download of any file signifies your agreement to the terms of use. Terms and conditions Download file STEP Cad_STEP_PFXGP4601TAD_PFXGP4601TADC_PFXGP4601TMD.exe 3.67 MB(3,845,035 Byte) IGES Cad_IGES_PFXGP4601TAD_PFXGP4601TADC_PFXGP4601TMD.exe ...
As a DXF file is an unstable file, data compatibility is not perfect.Reading data might be imperfect depending on CAD software you use. The downloaded file is a self-decompressing file. Double-click on it, and the DXF file will be unfolded. Pro-face has confirmed that it's possible to ...