Nexonia Roadmap Portal Submit idea Released Nexonia Expenses Receipt Wallet Capture or upload receipts into a repository known as the Receipt Wallet. View unused receipts and add them to an expense report at any time from the mobile app. Emburse Cards Real Time Transactions We upgraded our Em...
PHARMACOLOGY OF PORTAL HYPERTENSION: BEYOND β-BLOCKERSPropranolol,nadolol, timolol Spironolactone L-NMMAJ. TurnesJ.G. AbraldesJ. Bosch
November is Diabetes awareness month and the 14this always marked as World Diabetes Day. While there are other forms of diabetes, this web focus puts a spotlight on type 2 diabetes. In the summer of 2017 we pioneered a special issue onT2DM in India and China; two nations that will feel ...
NEW ADVANCES OF US-DOPPLER IN THE EVALUATION OF PORTAL HYPERTENSION AND LIVER TUMORSFIGURE 2. Nature of the vascular structures seen in the hepatogastric ligament. Transverse oblique viewsof the left lobe of the liver in two different patients (A, B) seen for abdominal pain. Color and pulsed...
Activated HSC have been demonstrated in fibrous septa around sinusoids and terminal hepatic venules and proba- bly around the portal venules in cirrhotic livers, where their density may correlate with vascular resistance. The contractility of HSC can be modu- lated by vasoactive substances, such as...
The typical CT findings of hemangioma in- clude a nodular, peripheral enhancement with a globular appearance and without a homogeneous rim in the arterial phase, an increasing, centripetal enhancement without washout in the portal ve- nous phase, and a "filling in" phenomenon in the equilibrium ...
the factors found to be associated with a poor prog- nosis in cirrhotic patients with ascites in different studies. These factors may be used as criteria to in- dicate liver transplantation in these patients (31- 33). In the author's experience, approximately 80% of cirrhotic patients with ...
The mechanisms by which portal hypertension induces splanchnic ar- teriolar vasodilation are not completely under- stood, although a number of vasoactive mediators have been proposed (see below).How then can portal hypertension contribute to ascites formation, renal functional abnormalities and the ...
Tumor invasion into the portal vein and intrahepatic metastasis are found in 27% and 10%, respectively. They are detected as hypervascu- lar nodules at angiography. There is no discrepancy in the pathological diagnosis of this type of small HCC among Western and Japanese pathologists.On the ...