PFSRD:Delay Poison This material is published under theOGL 1.0a. Delay Poison Schoolconjuration (healing);Levelbard 2, cleric 2, druid 2, paladin 2, ranger 1 Casting Time1 standard action ComponentsV, S, DF Rangetouch Targetcreature touched ...
CR. Note that creatures that only possess spell-like abilities do not fall into this role, and are usually considered combat or special. Most dragons and outsiders fall into this role, but any creature that has a list of spells prepared or spells known likely falls under this heading as ...
PFSRD:Classes This material is published under theOGL 1.0a. Classes Base Classes Alchemist Arcanist Barbarian Bard Bloodrager Brawler Cavalier Cleric Druid Fighter Gunslinger Hunter Investigator Inquisitor Magus Monk Ninja Oracle Paladin Ranger Rogue ...