PFSRD:Alignment FeatsJump to navigation Jump to search This material is published under the OGL 1.0a.Alignment FeatsBack to Main Page→ Pathfinder Open Game Content→ PFSRD→ Feats Open Game Content (place problems on the discussion page). Expand Categories: OGL Pathfinder PFSRD Feat Rule ...
feats, skills, spells, and class features. If the creature possesses class features (such as spellcasting or sneak attack) for the class that is being added, these abilities stack. This functions just like adding class levels to a character without racial Hit Dice. A monster with class levels...
A feat is an ability a creature has mastered. Feats often allow creatures to circumvent rules or restrictions. Creatures receive a number of feats based off their Hit Dice, but some classes and other abilities grant bonus feats. Game Master (GM) ...
Benefit: While you can see one or more allies who also have this feat, whenever you and your allies make aStealthcheck, you all take the highest roll and add all your modifiers toStealth. Back toMain Page→Pathfinder Open Game Content→PFSRD→Feats ...
(His class levels would be 5th and 1st, but his total character level is 6th.) He keeps all of his bonus feats gained from 5 levels of fighter, but can now also cast 1st-level spells and picks an arcane school. He adds all of the hit points, base attack bonuses, and saving throw...