faceactivity,heatresistance,chemicalstability,hydrophobicoilandsoon,ithasbeenlargelyproducedandused intheworld,resultinginseriousenvironmentalpollution,threateninghumanhealth.Basedontheexistingre⁃ searchresultsathomeandabroad,thispapersystematicallystudiestheconcentrationdistributionofPFOSinthe domesticandinternationalwaterenv...
particularly in the context of drinking water quality (Fig.2a). Analysis using the Scopus search system indicates that concerns regarding drinking water quality originated as early as 1851 with the publication of the first article addressing lead poisoning. Since then,...
Keywords: Perfluorooctane sulfonate; photochemistry; ferric ion; vacuum ultraviolet; persistent organic pollutants Introduction Perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) have particular properties, including the high surface-active effect and the high thermal and chemical stability, owing to the C-F bond structure (...
【摘要】Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) is a new type of persistent organic pollutants, because it has high sur⁃face activity, heat resistance, chemical stability, hydrophobic oil and so on, it has been largely produced and used in the world, resulting in serious environmental pollution, threat...
Chemical and physical aspects of natural organic matter (NOM) fouling of nanofiltration membranes [J]. Journal of Membrane Science, 1997,132(2):159-181. 作者简介:许长青(1991-),男,山东临沂人,西安建筑科技大学硕士 研究生,主要从事纳滤膜去除水中痕量 PFOS 的研究.发表论文 1 篇. ...
1 Research interests in emerging contaminants with potential endocrine dysfunction effects over the years in relation to the industrial revolution. Between the years 1839 and 2019, PFOA and PFOS have emerged as the most concerning chemical contaminants, as evidenced by the scientific attention and ...
Water filtration technologies that remove PFAS In general, PFOS and PFOA resist most conventional chemical and microbial treatment technologies. The strongest proven technologies to filter PFAS out of drinking water include granular activated carbon absorption, ion exchange resins and reverse osmosis (1, ...
Communities across the U.S. are discovering drinking water contaminated by perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and determining appropriate actions. There are currently no federal PFAS drinking water standards despite widespread drinking
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) belong to a continuously expanding family of thousands of man-made chemical pollutants. The amphiphilic ability of PFAS has led to the manufacturing of PFAS in oils and water-resistant industrial and consumer products such as firefighting foams, cleaners, ...
Chemical selectivity in micellar electrokinetic chromatography: characterization of solute-micelle interactions for classification of surfactants. In MEKC with an anionic fluorocarbon surfactant, lithium perfluorooctanesulfonate (LiPFOS), however, size and solute HBD acidity are the two predominant ... Yang...