{ allocInfo.Flags.Primary = TRUE; allocInfo.VidPnSourceId = m_VidPnSourceId; }// Check if the allocation is in system memoryif(pSysMem) { allocInfo.pSystemMem = pSysMem; }// Use the runtime handle of the resource being created//NOTE:This is critical for supporting a shared resource...
E_OUTOFMEMORYpfnCreateOverlayCb 無法配置完成所需的記憶體。 此函式也可能傳回其他 HRESULT 值。 備註 pfnCreateOverlayCb函式會傳回pData所指向之D3DDDICB_CREATEOVERLAY結構之 hKernelOverlay成員中新建立核心模式重迭物件的句柄。 使用者模式顯示驅動程式會在呼叫下列函式時傳遞此句柄: ...
驅動程式回呼 Direct3D 執行時間時應該使用的已驗證通道物件的句柄。 傳回值 傳回下列其中一值: 傳回碼描述 S_OK已成功建立已驗證的通道。 D3DDDIERR_DEVICEREMOVED已移除圖形配接器。 E_OUTOFMEMORY記憶體無法完成作業。 備註 Direct3D 運行時間會在呼叫驅動程式的CalcPrivateAuthenticatedChannelS...
Discards (evicts) a set of subresources from video display memory. Implemented by Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.2 and later user-mode display drivers. Syntax C++Copy PFND3DDDI_DISCARD Pfnd3dddiDiscard;HRESULTPfnd3dddiDiscard( HANDLE hDevice,constD3DDDIARG_DISCARD *unnamedParam2 ){...}...
The PFN_SHARE_COUNT bug check has a value of 0x0000001B. It indicates that a memory management page frame number (PFN) database element has a corrupted share count.
Note that if the driver request is invalid it may still fail at a later point, in which case the device will be put in error. E_INVALIDARG Invalid call with bad arguments provided. E_OUTOFMEMORY Desired supported memory segment is full. E_FAIL An unknown error has occurred....
E_OUTOFMEMORY CreateDevice could not allocate the memory that was required for it to complete.RemarksA display device is a graphics context that is used to hold a collection of rendering state. Multiple devices can be created by the same process on a given adapter. Note that the number of...
memset(&dma_map,0,sizeof(dma_map)); dma_map.argsz=sizeof(structvfio_iommu_type1_dma_map); dma_map.vaddr=vaddr; dma_map.size=len; dma_map.iova=iova; dma_map.flags= VFIO_DMA_MAP_FLAG_READ |VFIO_DMA_MAP_FLAG_WRITE;//VFIO_IOMMU_MAP_DMA这个命令就是将iova通过IOMMU映射到vaddr对应...