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Get the latest PennantPark Floating Rate Capital Ltd. (PFLT) stock price, news, buy or sell recommendation, and investing advice from Wall Street professionals.
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In a report released yesterday, KBW also assigned a Hold rating to the stock with a $11.50 price target. TipRanks has tracked 36,000 company insiders and found that a few of them are better than others when it comes to timing their transactions. See which 3 stoc...
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PennantPark Floating Rate Capital reported strong earnings with impressive revenue growth and low non-accruals in its portfolio. Read why PFLT stock is a Buy.
Better Stock Than Its Sister: PennantPark Floating Rate CapitalJoseph ParrishTue, Apr. 09, 202413 Comments Share your Analysis on PFLTSubmit an article now See All Analysis » PFLT News PennantPark declares $0.1025 dividendSA NewsTue, Mar. 04 PennantPark declares $0.1025 dividendSA NewsTue, ...