Little is known about the challenges that arise from the deployment of technology in care settings; however, the integration of technology into care is one of the core determinants of successful support. This article presents the challenges and options associated with the integration of technology ...
Ethische, rechtliche und soziale Anforderungen an Assistenzroboter in der PflegeUser needsData privacySocial interactionOccupational stressBehavior changeBackground In 2030 there will be 4 million people in need of care in Germany; however, the nursing care sector is already suffering from a ...
Pflegeassistenzsysteme: Serviceroboter mit NebenjobEin Verbundforschungsprojekt unter Leitung des LMU-Klinikums hat untersucht, inwiefern sich ein Robotermodell, das bisher in Hotels zum Einsatz kommt, auch für die Entlastung der Pflegekrfte eignet. Die ersten Resultate sind vielversprechend....
Material and methods: In the first study, 30 professional caregivers with experience in the use of the robot seal Paro in care settings were interviewed regarding Paro's application and the observed effects on their clients. In the second study, three case examples are presented from an ...