英文缩写 PFI 英文缩写PFI 英文全称Programmed Fuel Injection 中文解释程式控制燃料喷射 PFI意思,PFI的意思,PFI是什么意思?爱站小工具网缩写频道为您提供有关于PFI的解释和缩写,程式控制燃料喷射的英文缩写是什么 其它解释 PFI(喷嘴燃油喷射)
必应词典为您提供PFI-Port-Fuel-Injection的释义,网络释义: 进气燃油式喷射系统;喷嘴燃油喷射;进气道燃油喷射;
英文缩写 PFI 英文缩写PFI 英文全称Port Fuel Injection 中文解释喷嘴燃油喷射 PFI意思,PFI的意思,PFI是什么意思?爱站小工具网缩写频道为您提供有关于PFI的解释和缩写,喷嘴燃油喷射的英文缩写是什么 其它解释 PFI(程式控制燃料喷射)
4) intake-port fuel injection system 进气道燃料喷射系统5) fuel injection air 燃油喷射空气系统 1. The paper introduces electronic fuel injector intake air resonator and air-controled intaking system and fuel injection air and discusses its working principles and the effect of noise elimi nation ...
PFI-or-PGM-FI-Programmed-Fuel-Injection网络程式控制燃料喷射 网络释义 1. 程式控制燃料喷射 PFI英文全称 ... PFI power factor indicator 功率因数表 PFI or pgm-fi programmed fuel injection 程式控制燃料喷射 ... www.wangluoxinci.com|基于62个网页©...
汽油缸内直喷(Gasoline Direct Injection ,简称 GDI ) 和汽油歧管喷射(Port Fuel Injection ,简称PFI )是目前在发动机上使用较为成熟的技术。GDI 普遍使用在增压 发动机,PFI 主要使用在自然吸气发动机。发动机在高转 速大负荷工况下,常常通过排温加浓保护来解决排气温 度超过限值问题,随着排放法规不断加...
Advanced PFI system proposes to use physical mechanisms of Gasoline Direct Injection on full load operation, by using "clean" scavenging, and by injecting fuel directly into the combustion chamber when intake valves are opened including cooling effect benefits. Thereby Advanced PFI system uses two ...
e fficie ncy of gasoline e ngine s ,we inve stigate d the influe nce of the Mille r cycle on the partial-load thermal efficiency of a high-compression-ratio Miller-cycle gasoline engine equipped with a dual-injection system (i.e.,port fuel injection and direct injection )...
Supporting vehicle functions such as PTO, cruise control, adaptive cruise control, FCW, etc.; Supporting SENT sensor; Supporting AT, CVT, DCT, MT transmissions.Product Application Available for China 6 PFI gasoline engines, various AT and MT transmissions, turbocharged engines, and hybrid ...
pfi 在内燃机领域是port fuel injection 的缩写, 即进气道喷射的意思. pfi (private finance initiative) - - - - - - - - - ppp 项目 融资模式 字体大小: 大 - 中 - 小 lawyer188 发表于 08 - 11 - 12: 21 (1) 评论 阅读 分类 (0). 在众多的ppp 模式中, 我们希望特别介绍一种模式 ...