pfettendach directly on the pfetten, roofingREICHENBAECHER DR-ING HANS
相似单词 pferdgespann, Pferdmenges, Pferdsprung, Pferdstärke, Pfette, Pfettendach, PF-Hartschaum, PF-Harz, Pfiff, Pfifferling, 历史记录 生词本赞助商链接广告联系| 意见反馈| 合作伙伴| 关于德语在线词典|手机版网站 | 德语热词榜 | HTTPS| AI英文写作| Rédiger多语言写作 欧路软件 ©2025 词库版本...
infection of roofing to dachpfettenLUDOWICI DR-ING WILHELM
roof, especially for glass, with horizontal pfetten and dachfallinie the rungs supported deck platingThe purlins for the guttering have a U-shaped section with the centre-piece at right angles to the roof plane, and the rafters have a hair-pin shape with bent-under edges. The top U-...
connection, long duennwandiger tragglieder, preferably dachpfettenSAMMET HORSTGOLEMBIEWSKI DIETERRIEDEBURG KLAUSSCHARSIG ROLF
connection, long duennwandiger tragglieder, preferably dachpfettenSAMMET HORSTMIELSCH WALTERGOLEMBIEWSKI DIETERSCHARSIG ROLF
klemmvorrichtung for attachment of roofing sheet or material with similar properties to dachpfetten duennemCOOKSON WILLIAM
s foermiger hooks for fastening in direction of the slope of the dachpfetten ueberdeckenden roofing platesLEMMENS ARTHUR
roof, especially for glass, with horizontal pfetten and dachfallinie the rungs supported deck plating of glass od.dgl.The purlins for the guttering have a U-shaped section with the centre-piece at right angles to the roof plane, and the rafters have a hair-pin shape with bent-under ...