S_BCE_68000269 SAP tcode for – IMG Activity: SIMG_SAPB_DUMPREORG S_BCE_68000269 tcode in SAP BC (Security in Basis) module. This transaction code is used for IMG Activity: SIMG_SAPB_DUMPREORG. Here is... SM30_CUS_INDU SAP tcode for – Maintain Table CUS_INDU SM30_CUS_INDU tc...
1、SAP权限工具PCFG使用手册本文旨在描述SAP权限管理员使用PFCG工具对角色的建立和分配,以及对授权对象的增加和修改.1 角色的建立和分配以 SAP 权限管理员的用户登录 SAPR/3 系统。选择:Tools-Administration-Usermaintenance-Roles(T_Code:PFCG).如图一:(图一)2.3输入角色所需名称,点击按钮阴壮 ,如图二:(图二)2.4...
以SAP权限管理员的用户登录SAP R/3系统。 选择:Tools- Administration- User maintenance- Roles T_code: PFCG .如图一: (图一) 输入角色所需名称,点击按钮,如图二: 图二 在Description一栏中输入相关描述信息,保存后,点击按钮,如图三: 单击“Copy menus”中的“From the SAP menu”,将出现添加选择事务对话...
以及对授权对象的增加和修改1角色的建立和分配2.1 以SAP权限管理员的用户登录 SAP R/3系统如图一:2.2 选择:Tools-Administration-User maintenance-Roles (T_Code: PFCG).(图一)2.3输入角色所需名称,点击按钮口皿业 ,如图二:21* IdltBtigstBieaa il2 - m 血己站丨罔囲 凋Role|epwoi包Q InlcrmatiorL 毋 ...
Solved: dear guru, please let me know how to display tcode when we add Transactions Codes manually in PFCG MENU tab... it the tree its only showing the description of
1. 首先找到您登陆Fiori前台服务器的用户的PFCGrole的catalog ID,在事务码SU01 correspondingFioricatalog ID:SAP_CMD_BC_PR_MAINT_PC (3) Create a newPFCGrolevia tcodePFCGin QJ3...ThePFCGroleSAP_BR_PRODMASTER_SPECIALIST in UXT/928 is for S4 on premise usage and does not exist...
You can create the PFCG role in TCode :PFCG. First you select the required business role, according to sales, service...(SAP_CRM_UIU_SLS_PROFESSIONAL..), click on Copy as (Shift+F11) and change the name as required(Z...), You can see the screen as below... here you can give...
***方法一***通过SE30,运行TCODE后,点Evaluate后,查看运行时间分析评估:命中清单。找以“exit”开头的SAP程序,如:_SAPLIE01_007,这个FUNCTION就是TCODE提供的一个出口。至于如何查看这个增强是属于哪个MOD,能够查阅 MODSAP这个表(SAP Enhancemen abap VF02保存出口增强 开发类CL 类对象 转载 技术博客...
SAP 转载 mob64ca1401b651 24天前 22阅读 vf02过账增强BKPF 拆分BSEG表和ACDOCA表说明:两个增强点分别封装了冲销和过账函数,acdoca拆分通过memory传值注意:凭证拆分时,ct_bseg和t_acdoca内表结构为第一行是总金额,中间行是采购订单行,最后一行是含税金额,因此拆分行涉及到行项目增多问题,新增拆分的行必须放原内...
Solved: Hi, I have created one user (PP module) using the tcode (SU01) & then created Customized role in the Tcode : PFCG. User & role created sucessfully. while i