Feb 20, 2024 Are we speaking the same language? Shared language is an essential element of meaningful community engagement. Read More → Nov 20, 2023 LEARN ABOUT THE INSPIRE PROJECT We are seeking to gain better understanding about how community engagement is currently impacting different elements ...
Repository files navigation README Apache-2.0 license PaddleAutoProject 基于PaddlePaddle的自动化功能开发小组 关于该repo 这个仓库仅为了通过一些自动化/界面化的方法提高作业效率。 目前的Project PyTorch与Paddle文档映射辅助工具(维护中) Github表单管理工具(制作中) 快乐开源群对话机器人(制作中)About...
When running pnpm install, the preprepare and postprepare scripts of the project should be executed #8989. Allow workspace: and catalog: to be part of wider version range in peerDependencies. pnpm deploy should inherit the pnpm object from the root package.json #8991. Make sure that ...
Having been engaged in the construction of fine chemical projects for years, the Company has built the Liaoning Baolai 600 KTPA ABS Project, SINOPEC Tianjin 150 KTPA CHP PO Project, SINOPEC-SABIC Tianjin 260 KTPA PC Project, Zhenhai 800 KTPA EG Project, Jiangsu Far East United Petrochemical 450...
[2] Medical home initiatives for children with special needs project advisory committee. Policy statement: The medical home[J]. Pediatrics,2002,110( 1) : 184-186. [3]朱丽辉、王莉、谢建辉等.对儿科护士以家庭为中心护理模式认知与态度的调查[J].中华现代护理杂志,2015,21(20):2373-2376. [4]戎艳...
Vision: To grow into a leading and distinctive project service provider in the energy and petrochemical industry 立足能源化工领域,突出特色管理、特色业务和 特色服务。通过技术投入、新技术应用、数字化 转型提升,保持专业核心能力优势。在工程建设 组织、管理、作业能力,数字化应用能力,创新 发展能力,全球资源配...
通过 Open Compute Project 共享我们的服务器、网络和数据中心设计,以及让供应链标准化了我们的设计,我们节省了数十亿美元。同时我们也受益于开源生态的创新,如 PyTorch、React 以及其他业内领先的开源项目。当我们长期坚持开源的方法时,它始终是对我们有利的。 ### 为什么开源 AI 对全世界有利 Expand Down Expand...
[1] PPOCRLabel uses the opened folder as the project. After opening the image folder, the picture will not be displayed in the dialog. Instead, the pictures under the folder will be directly imported into the program after clicking "Open Dir". ...
vessels and pressure pipes; manufacturing, installation, transformation and maintenance of lifting machinery; transformation and maintenance of boilers. In addition to these services mentioned above, the company provides comprehensive project management solutions along with professional engineering consulting ...
序号 获奖工程名称 工程规模 国家级 省(市)级 1 中英合资扬子江乙酰化工有限公司醋酸核心装置 一氧化碳8.7万吨/年;醋酸15万吨/年 鲁班奖(2000.12) 重庆市巴渝杯优质工程奖(1999.8) 2 天津联化公司乙烯工程乙烯装置 14万吨/年 鲁班奖(1997.12) 天津市优质工程(1996.10) 3 天津联化公司乙烯工程聚乙烯装置...