次级侧调节 (SSR) 准谐振模式 (QRM) 操作,在中轻负载下具有连续导通模式 (CCM) 预防和谷值开关非连续导通模式 (DCM) 极轻负载下的突发模式 突发模式期间降低栅极驱动器输出电压 谷值变化位置的可调导通时间映射 可调最大导通时间 全面保护 过压保护和欠压保护的外部可调滞回 ...
• A firmware state monitor supervises correct operation of the flyback in QRM1, DCM or ABM. A protection is triggered if the flyback enters CCM. • A firmware plausibility check ensures that both bus voltage measurements using the ZCD andVS pins are consistent. • A firmware watchdog...
2次側レギュレーション (SSR) 中/軽負荷時の連続伝導モード (CCM) 防止と谷間切替型不連続伝導モード (DCM) による擬似共振モード (QRM) 動作 バーストモード (微少負荷時) バーストモード時のゲートドライバ出力電圧の低減 谷間変化位置でのオンタイムマッピングを調整可能 ...
Quasi-resonant mode (QRM) operation with continuous conduction mode (CCM)-prevention and valley switching discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) in mid to light load Burst mode for very light loads Reduced gate driver output voltage during burst mode Adjustable on-time mapping at valley changing positio...
Quasi-resonant mode (QRM) operation with continuous conduction mode (CCM)-prevention and valley switching discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) in mid to light load Burst mode for very light loads Reduced gate driver output voltage during burst mode Adjustable on-time mapping at valley changing positio...