Because of the concerns, eight major chemical companies entered into an agreement called the PFOA Stewardship Program to stop production of certain PFAS in the U.S. But they can still come in through imported products, and U.S. manufacturers continue to make and use other PFAS. The Environment...
“Forever chemicals” have commonly been used in outdoor and activewear to provide better water resistance and durability. But now some states and consumers are demanding changes.
Thousands of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, exist since the first ones were invented in the 1940s to prevent stains and sticking. PFAS chemicals are used in nonstick cookware, water-repellent clothing and firefighting foam. Their manufacture and persistence in products have ...
What is required for Maine’s PFAS in products law (38 Maine Revised Statutes Section 1614)? On April 16, 2024, the US State of Maine’s PFAS in products law (38 Maine Revised Statutes Section 1614) was amended through L.D. 1537 to narrow and delay reporting requirements, delay the law...
In recent years, these chemicals were designated as hazardous substances by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). What kinds of products may contain PFAS chemical? Due to the global use of PFAS over many decades, it is challenging to grasp the full spectrum of potential human health and ...
PFAS, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl compound substances (PFAS), are commonly used in consumer products. However, recent studies showed that PFASs can place adverse effects on the wellbeing of humans and the environment, which led to many regulations controlling these chemicals in support of global...
An example of a polymeric PFAS product used in industry would be solid fluoropolymer tubing. While both are broadly classified as PFAS products, it is important to recognize the difference between the polymerized form (solid tube), and the non-polymerized form (liquid mixture). You can learn ...
etc. PFAS are found in products such as clothing, adhesives, and cookware. PFAS do not break down on their own in the environment. They build up in soils, bodies of water, animals, and even humans. In this class, we’ll explore PFAS in terms of both scientific findings as well as th...
PFAS in the product. More information on the recent amendments to this law may be found in the"What's New in this Edition"section at the top of this report. See 38 MR.S. § 1614, et seq., enacted by P.L. 2021, c. 477. For more information visit theDEP’s PFAS in Products ...
What are PFAS? PFAS (per- andpolyfluoroalkyl substances) are a group of man-made chemicals that have been widely used in many kinds of industrial and consumer products for decades. They are made of carbon and fluorine molecules that are attached together. The strong bond makes other chemicals...