Hansen R (2023) HF 2310 State of Minnesota House of Representatives. Retrieved August 11, 2023. https://www.revisor.mn.gov/bills/text.php?session=ls93&number=HF2310&session_number=0&session_year=2023&version=list Portsmouth Herald (2015) 25 years of economic growth at Pease. Portsmouth Hera...
N.C. Donovan, like most people , just always assumed it was safe. "The EPA doesn't require utilities to regularly test for them," she said, "so there's really no way for the average American to know if it's even in their drinking water right now. Or in their...
“Forever chemicals” have commonly been used in outdoor and activewear to provide better water resistance and durability. But now some states and consumers are demanding changes.
Minnesota (Minneapolis) Ohio (Cleveland) Michigan (entire state) Cancer/Disease: Ulcerative Colitis (inflammatory bowel disease) Pancreatic Cancer Liver Cancer Bladder Cancer Testicular Cancer Kidney Cancer To help determine the settlement amount that you or a loved one may be eligible to receive, requ...
A transgenerational toxicokinetic model and its use in derivation of Minnesota PFOA water guidance Helen M. Goeden Christopher W. Greene James A. Jacobus ArticleOpen Access10 Jan 2019Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology Guideline levels for PFOA and PFOS in drinking water: the ro...
Last year, Minnesota lawmakers passed new protections after a young woman testified about contamination in her community just before she died. Her sister is now carrying on the fight to protect other families.
As it moves toward its worldwide phaseout of products containing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) by 2025, troubled US technology group 3M (St. Paul, Minnesota) said manufacturing of the materials has been halted at its plant in Zwijndrecht, Belgium. The fluorochemicals specialist, ...
As of January 1, 2024, Minnesota’s statute bans the manufacture, sale, or distribution of food packaging containing intentionally added PFAS; it provides for a range of civil and criminal penalties, in addition to injunctive relief. New York. New York currently bans the distribution and sale ...
PFAS and Closed Landfills (Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, 2023); https://www.pca.state.mn.us/air-water-land-climate/pfas-and-closed-landfills Memorandum Revision of PFOA Hazard Assessment and Next Steps (US EPA, 2002); https://static.ewg.org/files/226-1127.pdf?_gl=1*1tr87g6*_gcl...
PFAS and Closed Landfills (Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, 2023); https://www.pca.state.mn.us/air-water-land-climate/pfas-and-closed-landfills Memorandum Revision of PFOA Hazard Assessment and Next Steps (US EPA, 2002); https://static.ewg.org/files/226-1127.pdf?_gl=1*1tr87g6*_gcl...