PFAPA syndrome is an autoinflammatory disease of the childhood period presenting with recurrent fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis and cervical lymphadenitis. The disease is often seen in children under the age of five. Fever attacks recur with irregular time intervals and are unresponsive to ...
PFAPA syndrome is one of the most common periodic fever syndromes. It usually presents in childhood and is characterized by periodic fevers at regular intervals of two to eight weeks and by stereotypical clinical features of pharyngitis, aphthous ulcers, and cervical adenitis....
Treatment options for periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis, and cervical adenitis (PFAPA) syndrome in children and adults: a narrative review. Clin Rheumatol. 2019;38(1):11-17. doi:10.1007/s10067-018-4361-2收录于合集 #...
One of these, the PFAPA syndrome, is seen in childhood with 3-7 day episodes of fever that is often accompanied by aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis and cervical lymphadenopathy. The child is usually asymptomatic between episodes. PFAPA sydrome is more frequent in children under five years of age...
Originally known as Marshall syndrome, PFAPA is most commonly identified in children younger than age 5 years; however, adults may also present with the disease, though they may report additional symptoms. PFAPA is now understood to be a diagnosis of exclusion. Laboratory studies are typically ...
Periodic fever syndrome in children. J Pediatr 1999; 135:15.Padeh S, Brezniak N, Zemer D, et al. Periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis, and adenopathy syndrome: clinical characteristics and outcome. J Pediatr 1999; 135:98.
PFAPA syndrome is the most common autoinflammatory syndrome in children from Western countries. In spite of its strong familial clustering, its genetic basis and inheritance pattern are still unknown. We performed a comprehensive genetic study on 68 individuals from 14 families. Linkage analysis suggeste...
Objective: The periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis and cervical adenitis (PFAPA) syndrome is a nonhereditary idiopathic febrile syndrome belonging to the group of auto inflammatory diseases. No longtime sequel was reported in this disease. Early diagnosis can lead physicians to treatment of...
2. Kenneth Thson Thomas,Henry M.Feder ea. Periodic fever syndrome in children. THE JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS 1999; VOLUME 135, NUMBER 1 3. Takeuchi Y, Shigemura T, Kobayashi N, Nagumo H, Furumoto M, Ogasawara K, et al. Clinic...
Analysis of the genetic basis of periodic fever with aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis, and cervical adenitis (PFAPA) syndrome PFAPA syndrome is the most common autoinflammatory syndrome in children from Western countries. In spite of its strong familial clustering, its genetic bas... SAD Gioia,N Bed...