型号 PFAM640 品名 美国索尔维M640 特性 耐候 价格属性 未税含运 物流 全国包邮 等级 一级 成型温度 350-400℃ 成型收缩率 3.1-7.7% 产品包装规格 25公斤/袋 货号 美国苏威HYFLONPFAM640 品牌 美国苏威 价格说明 价格:商品在爱采购的展示标价,具体的成交价格可能因商品参加活动等情况发生变化,也可...
pfam-pfa行业百科 PFAM(Protein Family Analysis and Modeling,蛋白质家族分析与建模)是一种生物信息学技术,用于研究蛋白质家族的结构、功能和相互作用。具体来说,PFAM通过比对已知的蛋白质序列数据库,寻找具有相似结构和功能的蛋白质家族,并利用计算机模拟和实验验证来揭示其生物学功能和相互作用网络。 PFAM(Protein Fami...
The move to HMMER3 has necessitated numerous changes to Pfam that are described in detail. Pfam release 24.0 contains 11,912 families, of which a large number have been significantly updated during the past two years. P...
商标名称 PFAM 国际分类 第09类-科学仪器 商标状态 商标注册申请 申请/注册号 27162465 申请日期 2017-10-30 申请人名称(中文) 武汉盛世农图智能科技有限公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 湖北省武汉市江岸区后湖街金桥大道18号新地盛世东方8栋3层1室 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 - 初审公告...
Pfam contains multiple alignments and hidden Markov model based profiles (HMM-profiles) of complete protein domains. The definition of domain boundaries, family members and alignment is done semi-automatically based on expert knowledge, sequence similarity, other protein family databases and the ability ...
Pfam is a large collection of protein domains and families. Its scientific goal is to provide a complete and accurate classification of protein families and domains. The next release of the database will contain over 10,000 entries, which leads us to reflect on how far we are from completing...
摘要 本发明公开了一种机械装置PFAM结构化分解方法;其包括以下步骤:建立零件谱、工况谱、载荷谱、功能谱和故障谱;确定分谱元素功能,建立功能矩阵,实现谱系‑功能映射;确定功能与动作对应关系,实现功能‑动作映射;确定动作对应微元,实现动作‑微元映射。本发明解决了结构复杂、工况多变、载荷多变、故障模式繁多的...
Pfam, available via servers in the UK (http://pfam.sanger.ac.uk/) and the USA (http://pfam.janelia.org/), is a widely used database of protein families, containing 14 831 manually curated entries in the current release, version 27.0. Since the last update article 2 years ago, we...