PFA Material Characteristics Does not stick to samples. No dissolution and precipitation. Metal element blank value is low PFA Heat resistance(ºC) -200~+260ºC Vacuum Sealed PFA plus fluorine rubber ring double seal Anticorrosion properties Resistant to strong acids and ...
The invention discloses a PFA (perfluoro(alkoxy alkane)) material which comprises PFA granules and an additive, wherein the additive comprises a carbon nanotube, fullerene, a weather-resisting agent, reinforcing filler, a flame retardant, a coupling agent and a crosslinking agent. The PFA ...
Material PFA Size 50ml Closure type Screw closured Color Translucent Temperature resistance From -200 to 260ºC ( -328ºF ~ +500ºF ), Strength 1. Low and high temperature resistance.2. Corrosion resistance3. Low blank value of metal elements etc...
4. Because the molten material has corrosive effect on themetal, the mold needs chrome plating for long-term production. Perfluoroalkoxy resin PFA resin is relatively new fluoroplastics that can be meltedand processed. The melting point of PFA is about 580F, and the density is2.13-2.16g/cc ...
a) ISO 9073-1:2010 - "Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) for use as a fluorine-containing coating material" - 描述了PTFE涂料的应用规范。该标准规定了PTFE涂料的性能要求、试验方法、检验规则以及标志、标签、包装、运输和贮存等内容。 b) ISO 28084:2012 - "Plastics - Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) film ...
“We start by selecting the best construction material for processing equipment,
Rao表达了自己对于这个问题的理解:“We start by selecting the best construction material for processing...
Statements, or data, regarding behavior in a flame situation arenot intended to reflect hazards presented by this or any othermaterial when under actual fire conditions. Applications Applications for Teflon? PFA 440 HP include tubing; unsupportedpipe or pipe linings for production of ultrapure chemical...
其他制造商生产类似的氟碳聚合物,但它们不能称之为“特氟龙”聚合物。这就如同把所有面巾纸都称为“Kleenex”一样。虽然 Teflon 商标被许可用于某些含有真正 Teflon 品牌 FEP 和 PFA 聚合物的 Nalgene 实验室器具产品,但我们通常在 网站和文献中通过其原始材料条款提及这些...
Shandong Huaxia Shenzhou New Material Co Ltd. 产品说明: Mainly used for piping, pump, valve, tank lining, diaphragm, jointpart, bearing, etc. Huaxia Shenzhou PFA DS702 物性表 基本信息 用途 泵件 衬里 阀门/阀门部件 隔膜 管道系统 轴承