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Teilen über Facebook x.com LinkedIn E-Mail Drucken WHEA_PFA_REMOVE_TRIGGER-Enumeration (ntddk.h) Artikel 29.02.2024 Feedback Inhalt dieses Artikels Syntax Konstanten Anforderungen Ist für das System reserviert. Syntax C++ Kopie typedef enum _WHEA_PFA_REMOVE_TRIGGER { WheaPfaRemoveError...
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Partilhar via Facebookx.comLinkedInE-mail Imprimir Artigo 29/02/2024 Comentários Neste artigo Syntax Constantes Requisitos Reservado para uso do sistema. Syntax C++ typedefenum_WHEA_PFA_REMOVE_TRIGGER { WheaPfaRemoveErrorThreshold, WheaPfaRemoveTimeout, WheaPfaRemoveCapacity } WHEA_PFA_REMOVE_TRIGGER...
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