二极管(3) ∟贴片/片式/SMD二极管(2)∟发光二极管(1) 电容器(1) 电阻器(2) 放电管(14) 商品信息更新时间:2013-06-16 3R75PF5 3R75PF6 3R75PF7 3R90PF5 3R90PF6 3R90PF7 3R150PF5 3R150PF6 3R150PF7 3R230PF5 3R230PF6 3R230PF7为三极陶瓷气体放电管,直流电压击穿电压分别为75V和 90V ...
Journal of LuminescenceRiesen, H. Resonant Luminescence Line Narrowing of the R Lines in Tris(2,2′-bipyridine)rhodium Hexafluorophosphate Doped with Chromium [Rh(bpy)3](PF6)3:Cr(III). J. Lumin. 1992, 54, 71-78.Riesen, H. (1992) J. Lum . 54 , 71....
CH2Cl2 solutions of the cationic complexes that contained traces of moisture caused the partial hydrolysis of the PF6− anions, to give the novel “dimeric” complexes, {[CpRh(η2, 3-C7H6-3-R-2-CR1OH}2F2P(O)O}+PF6−. The F2P(O)O group of this complex is involved in the ...
They react with HBF4 in ether/propionic anhydride to form the BF4 salts of the hydrido(olefin)rhodium cations [C5H5RhH(C2H3R′)PR3]+(R Me; R′ H, Me and R Pri; R′ H). From C5H5Rh(PMe3)C2H3Ph and CF3COOH/NH4PF6 the η3-benzyl complex [C5H5Rh(PMe3)(η3-CH3CHC6H5)]PF6...
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外部播放此歌曲> B1t Crunch3r、Killeralien - Psychic 专辑:Gran Guerra 歌手:B1t Crunch3rKilleralien 还没有歌词哦
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