Boots of Bounding Boots of Dancing Boots of Elvenkind Boots of Speed Bootstrap Respirator Boozy Bottle Boreal Staff Bottled Air Bottled Roc Bottled Sunlight Bottomless Purse Bottomless Stein Boulder Seed Boulderhead Bock Bound Guardian Bower Fruit Bracelet of Dashing Bracers of Armor I Bracers of Armo...
Boots of bounding Worn 340 gp Cloak of elvenkind Worn 360 gp Gloves of storingUncommon Worn 340 gp Hat of disguise, greater Worn 340 gp Necklace of fireballs type II Worn 115 gp Ring of sustenanceUncommon Worn 325 gp Ring of wizardry type IUncommon Worn 360 gp Slippers of spider climbing...
套装物品: 易容帽Hat of disguise (2级), 夜视护目镜goggles of night (5级), 高等忘却披肩greater unmemorable mantle (LOCG,9级), 高等腾跃之靴greater boots of bounding (14级), 高等狂野装置戒指greater ring of maniacal devices (18级) 赋礼:套装授予如下赋礼 1:融入黑暗赋礼obscure 2:死亡凝视赋...