摘要: 20世纪60年代前后,我在长治县南呈村任党支部副书记,团支部书记时,就听说有平顺西沟李顺达,申纪兰"勤俭办社,建设山区"的事迹.我们村老支书李秉璧是受到过毛主席接见的抗战英雄,复员回村后,又带领党员群众建设社会主义新农村,1958年得到周总理亲自签发的"建设社会主义新农村的榜样"奖状.李顺达,申纪兰,李秉璧经常...
李恒杰 李恒杰的合作伙伴有:-,他(她)在青白江区恒杰干杂经营部担任法人, 财产线索 财产类型1线索数量2 商业履历 连带风险的企业0
Right‐sided visceroptosis: An estimate of the importance of abnormal mobility and prolapse of the ascending colon and cæcum in the causation of various abdominal conditions, based on observations in a series of 242 cases treated by r... Right-sided visceroptosis: An estimate of the ...