使用导入的 ST-maps 时的性能优化 改进了高位深度下的 Cinema 渲染性能 将所有第三方库升级到最新版本。 (OpenEXR 3.1.5、OpenJPEG 2.5.0、REDR3D 8.3.1、ArriRAW 6.2.3、Alembic 1.8.3、Python 3.10.6、TIFF 4.5.0) 简化的企业级许可 用户/界面 许多UI 样式和性能优化 为自动匹配节点添加了选取框以快速选...
Note that this test only tests loading and unloading of codelets with shared maps, and doesn't actually call the codelets.In both codelets, we define the shared map as any other map:struct jbpf_load_map_def SEC("maps") shared_map0 = { .type = JBPF_MAP_TYPE_ARRAY, .key_size =...
Endless RPG is not a game. It is a tool for generating random maps filled with encounters, traps, treasure, etc. It also has a fog-of-war discovery system, which is ideal for playing D&D solo or in a group as players. But Endless RPG does not roll the dice for you. It is a com...
.add(new SelectMaps()) .add(new SelectObjs()) .add(new SelectList()); if (tableInfo.havePK()) { builder.add(new DeleteById()) .add(new DeleteByIds()) .add(new UpdateById()) .add(new SelectById()) .add(new SelectBatchByIds()); ...
compile'org.onepf:opfmaps-google:0.1.1@aar'compile'com.google.android.gms:play-services-maps:8.1.0' NOTE:Also for Google Maps you must addMaps API Keyto the AndroidManifest.xml file. Amazon Maps Provider: compile'org.onepf:opfmaps-amazon:0.1.1@aar'compile'com.amazon:amazon-maps-api:2.0...
China is currently accelerating the development of laws related to autonomous vehicles, with several local governments issuing temporary regulations in pilot areas, such as theJiangsu Road Traffic Safety Regulation , Guidelines for Building a Standard System for Basic Maps of Intelligent Vehicles (2023...
iPad Apple Watch iMessage 信息 简介 Compare the best weather models for Central Europe for every place and see the high resolution SuperHD model on detailed maps with all the important parameters - the forecast sister for the severe weather app "Storm". ...
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber The preview for the next issue of the Player Companion line in the back of Faiths of Corruption mentions that the Dragon Empires Primer will have more than 60 new regional ...
纹理贴图用于增强三维物体的特征,在高精度模型转换为低模后重新创建高分辨率模型的效果。 PFTrack 2017直接从Photo Mesh节点介绍了Texture Map Extraction。 Photo Mesh节点的更新功能将比以前提供更快,图片质量更好的结果。现在可以在摄影测量之后的精简阶段生成形状,法线,位置信息和彩色贴图。
Maps by three time ENnie Award winning cartographer Todd Gamble Requires:A Fantasy Grounds full or ultimate license and the included 3.5 or Pathfinder ruleset. 系统需求 最低配置: 操作系统 *:Windows XP, Vista, 7x or 8x 处理器:1.6 GHz or higher processor ...