For other bank accounts and to link PAN, your employer’s approval is mandatory. How many days will it take to approve KYC In EPF? Employers can approve KYC immediately from their employer’s PF portal. But most of the employers will take2-3 daysto approve KYC depending on their...
I submitted Form-31 of PF advance for the COVID reason. It was rejected due to “Claim Rejected ESTABLISHMENT STATUS CHANGED FROM EXEMPTED TO UNEXEMPTED. PA STATEMENT UNDER RECONCILIATION”. The transfer claim status showing Accepted by employer -> pending at field ...
What does Claim Status Pending at DA Accounts mean? If your claim status is showing aspending at DAit meansit is stuck at the EPFO office. The approval process in EPFO goes through DA(Dealing Assitant), AO(Assessing Officer) and CO(Cash officer) as shown in the image below. In EPFO,Dea...