The EPF's current interest rate is 8.1% for the 2022-23 fiscal year. The rate of interest for the EPF scheme is set by the EPFO every year. The finance ministry reviews the rate of interest changes based on the current market scenarios. This interest, however, is calculated at the end...
In EPFO,Dealing Assistant(DA),is the first person who checks the PF claim applied. He may approve or reject your claim. Once your claim is approved by the dealing assistant then the chances of your claim rejection are very low. If your claim is rejected by the DA then your claim status...
The solution suggested by EPFO is “You are advised to approach the employer for rectifying the same by submitting the revised return to the EPFO for merging the EPS contribution to EPF” Known as a member’s annual contribution card,Form 3Adepicts the month-wise contributions made by the subs...
However, the Government of India and the Central Board of Trustees decide the Compound Interest rate, and it is paid on the amount credited to the employees on 1st April of each year. But while meeting other purposes or during crises, we run out of funds even after drilling all the resour...