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Adds a "Search Pexels" button to asset selection windows Automatically downloads and saves selected Pexels images to the server Streamlines image search and import workflow within CraftCMS Option to choose the search query language (supported languages by Pexels) ...
Photo від користувачаScott Webb·Переглянути Photo There's a good reason that famousWindows XP background"Bliss" was such a hit. A simple green field makes for a lovely computer wallpaper, adding a sense of serenity to your desktop. Pastel tones Keep it ...
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Create a productive and positive atmosphere by cleaning and decluttering your house. Open windows to let in fresh air and sunlight. According to one study, nearlyevery participantfelt less anxiety and depression and had better focus when exposed to sunlight. So scrub those windows and let in ...
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There's a good reason that famousWindows XP background"Bliss" was such a hit. A simple green field makes for a lovely computer wallpaper, adding a sense of serenity to your desktop. Pastel tones Keep it simple with this striking yet minimal pastel wallpaper. ...