Welcome to Pets for Life! Kansas City's Premier Pet Therapy Organization for over 40 years Our mission is to enhance the physical and emotional well-being of people in need of comfort through interactive visits with our certified therapy teams of pets and their human volunteers. ...
A recent and innovative program to decrease risk of relinquishment is the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) Pets for Life program that focuses on support of pets in significantly underserved communities.doi:10.1002/9781119421313.ch15E. Weiss...
Parent Effectiveness Training: A No-lose Program for Raising Responsible Children The model focuses on ways parents can encourage children to accept responsibility for finding their own solutions to their own problems. The chapters are: ... T Gordon - Parent Effectiveness Training: The Proven ...
Welcome to Pets for Vets. We are a non-profit charity that helps to match veterans with A.C.E. trained animals. These animals help our veterans return to a normal life.
For Rachel, the program was a lifeline. "I think the main thing was knowing they were still my pets and knowing that I'd have my family back," she said. The Animal Humane Society currently partners with seven different agencies and nonprofits that refer people to the program. The prog...
Deserving shelter dogs receive a second chance at life while giving our Veterans a second chance at health and happiness. Watch Video How the Program Works Pets for Vets is tailored to the needs, wants, and hopes of each of our Veterans. We take the time to listen and find the animal th...
Talking Cat: Cute Cat Story is a cool game for Android, about a little cat who really wants love. Keep an eye on your pet, bathe and feed it. Play mini-games so your cat doesnt get bored. Even if the game is not running, the cat lives its own life...
Kai turned up as a stray and is now looking for a home of her own. Pets Pet of the Week: Gazpacho Updated: Jan. 26, 2022 at 8:39 PM GMT+8 | ByWITN Web Team Gazpacho is a Dutch Sheppard mix that is sure to brighten up your life. ...
If you're seeking comprehensive support from a holistic vet, a community of like-minded pet parents, and a tailored care plan, our Healthy Holistic Pet For Life Blueprint program is for you. With Dr. Katie's guidance and specialized testing to uncover the root cause of your pet's gut he...
咪行為小撇步系列(http://www.hsus.org/pets/pet_care/our_pets_for_life_program/cat_behavior_tip_sheets/)。 這是台灣認養地圖協會(http://www.meetpets.idv.tw)首度與國外動保協會正式合作之翻譯案,在此向 慷慨授權的HSUS,以及盡心盡力投入翻譯的志工們致上最深的感謝。