M:Itwas158yuanlastweek.Butthere’sadiscounttoday,itwas128yuantoday. 6.W:Ithinktheshoesareverynice. M:Oh,yes,buttheyaretoosmall. 7.W:Whydon’tyougototheparkwithus,John? M:Ihavetoomuchhouseworktodo. 8.M:Areyougoodatdrawing? W:Yes,butI’mnotgoodatreading. 9.W:Twohamburgersandacupoforang...
If you’d like to join Trusted Housesitters yourself, either as a sitter looking for a possibilities or a house owner looking for sitters, join via the link (or code RAF243427) to get a 25 % discount of the membership fee. GET 25% DISCOUNT by using this link Other global platforms ...
pet owners can have a better chance of finding a lost pet. 1)Stay inside: Try to keep your pet indoors at all times during holiday celebrations. Ideally, someone stays home with your pet. Also keep your dog leashed when going out for walks. 2)Make them feel safe: Comfort your pets wi...