Petrushka is a Russian ballet and a piece of orchestral concert music created by composer Igor Stravinsky. The story of Petrushka centers on a love triangle involving three puppets, brought to life by a Charlatan (a magician) at his puppet theater during the 1830 Shrovetide Fair in St. Peters...
Whilst composing The Rite of Spring for Diaghilev, Stravinsky broke off its composition to write Petrushka, the story of a puppet suddenly brought to life. Choreography was by Fokin and Nijin... (展开全部) 曲目· ··· Igor Stravinsky Petrushka 00:35:59 » Tableau 1: The Shrove-Tide...
Igor Stravinsky's Petrushka, Suite for Two Pianos, with Ballet Russes. Twist’s story of the love triangle between three magical puppets; the tragic clown, the alluring Ballerina and the dashing Moor.
在Apple Music 上收听西蒙・拉特尔爵士, 伯明翰市立交响乐团 & 彼得・多诺霍的《Stravinsky: The Firebird, Petrushka, Symphony in Three Movements, Scherzo à la russe & Four Studies》。2003年。30 首歌曲。时长:2 小时 1 分钟
Stravinsky: The Rite of Spring, Petrushka, The Firebird & Apollon musagète西蒙・拉特尔爵士、 伯明翰市立交响乐团 古典 · 2009年 试听 The Rite of Spring, Pt. 1 "Adoration of the Earth" 作曲者: 伊戈尔・斯特拉文斯基 12:51
在Apple Music 上收听西蒙・拉特尔爵士, 伯明翰市立交响乐团 & 彼得・多诺霍的《Stravinsky: The Rite of the Spring, Petrushka, The Firebird & Apollon musagète》。2008年。55 首歌曲。时长:2 小时 25 分钟
Charles Dutoit led the Chicago Symphony Orchestra in music of Stravinsky, Grieg and Sibelius Thursday night. Photo: Frédéric Huijbregts/CORBIS Charles Dutoit may have been born in Switzerland but he’s rarely mistaken for a diplomat. Even in a public rehearsal last week with the Chicago Symphony...
21 Tchaikovsky: The Nutcracker Beethoven: Complete Piano Concertos 2021年 出现在以下内容中 夏之古典乐 The Story of Classical: Part V Apple Music 古典乐 Prokofiev: 7 Symphonies - Lieutenant Kijé Stravinsky: L'oiseau de feu - Le sacre de printemps ...
Tchaikovsky: The Nutcracker Prokofiev: Piano Concerto No. 3 - Bartók: Piano Concerto No. 2 (Deluxe Version with Video) 2013年 出现在以下内容中 夏之古典乐 The Story of Classical: Part V Apple Music 古典乐 Prokofiev: 7 Symphonies - Lieutenant Kijé ...
Stravinsky: The Rite of Spring, Petrushka, The Firebird & Apollon musagète西蒙・拉特尔爵士、 伯明翰市立交响乐团 古典 · 2009年 试听 The Rite of Spring, Pt. 1 "Adoration of the Earth" 作曲者: 伊戈尔・斯特拉文斯基 12:51