A comparison of environmental governance and management between Norway and Uganda is made in order to show the differences between industrial and developing countries of succeeding in such governance. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) tools are presented and methods used in assessing and managing ...
[17]NEMA (1999). The National Environment (Standards for Discharge of Effluent into Water or on Land) Regulations, S. I. No 5/1999. Kampala, Uganda.
Of, course the country is still dirt poor. But the whole “shithole country” narrative so common in the US and Europe definitely needs rethinking, especially for the East African and Great Lakes countries Kenya, Ruanda, Uganda and Ethiopia, but also Burundi and Tanzania to a lesser extent. ...
Petroleum-related industries have to comply with strict regulations by regulatory authorities; these have led them to explore many treatment technologies for effluent management. However, conventional wastewater treatment technologies have higher energy and capital requirement than biological treatment systems. ...
This review highlights the challenges of fiscal system optimization considering both the host government and extraction company perspectives. Countries aro