Petroleum Products Amendment Act 58 of 2003doi:Act 58 of 2003
Cabinet nod to present Petroleum Products Amendment Bill in Parliament In order to ensure the continuous supply of petroleum products due to the acute foreign exchange deficit currently existing in the country, the cabinet decided … August 9, 2022|Petroleum|Read More ...
P. Assessing soil microbial populations responding to crude-oil amendment at different temperatures using phylogenetic, functional gene (alkB) and physiological analyses. Environ Sci Technol 42, 7580– 7586 (2008). 48. Labb´e, D., Margesin, R., Schinner, F., Whyte, L. G. & Greer, C.... OPEN received: 22 April 2016 accepted: 16 August 2016 Published: 06 September 2016 Salinity and Conductivity Amendment of Soil Enhanced the Bioelectrochemical Degradation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons Xiaojing Li1,2, Xin Wang2,Yueyong Zhang2, Qian Zhao2, Binbin...
In 1978, the Outer Continental Shelf Land Act Amendment (OCSLAA) stated purpose was to open the decision-making process to a wider audience and avoid collusion between a small group of bidders and top-officials of the Department of the Interior. In 1983, the area-wide sales were introduced ...
NZ) Ltd Mobil Oil New Zealand Ltd Shell New Zealand Ltd Published OccupationalSafety HealthService Department LabourWellington New Zealand Issued June 1995 ISBN 0-477-03566-3 Addendum: Health EmploymentAmendment Act 2002 Since EmploymentAct 1992 has been amended legislationwhich came effectfrom May2003...
The Second Amendment is safe for the time being. Even if Clinton puts two hard core leftists on the SC, it will probably stand, because the one thing the Justices of the SC hate worse than just about anything else is reversing past decisions on such substantive matters. I am not able...
Petroleum Products Amendment Act 46 of 1993doi:Act 46 of 1993
CHAPTER 2 THE PIPELINE AMENDMENT TO THE HEPBURN ACT : Petroleum Pipelines and Public Policy, 1906-1959Johnson, Arthur M
Petroleum Products Amendment Act 2 of 2005doi:Act 2 of 2005