A number of UK supermarkets are in talks with an AI company to use software algorithms to charge more for petrol during busy periods. Denmark-based software company a2i Systems already supply technology to petrol stations in Europe and the US to run ‘demand-pay’ systems, and have now launc...
Stations Atlantsolía has a list of its stationshere. Prices Gas price for each station can be foundhere, also showing discount prices available if you have Atlantsolía fuel key ring. Costco Iceland Stations Costco Iceland has a single petrol station in Iceland, in Kauptún next to IKEA. Not...
Waze is a navigation app that finds the quickest routes using data from other users. It also has a feature which shows petrol prices at your local petrol stations — some of these are crowdsourced, but it’s also updated by fuel retailers. We noticed that the supermarkets were updated direc...
Check out today's fuel prices at petrol stations near you. Click here to compare and find the latest rates for petrol and diesel on PetrolPrices.com
With its compact design and easy installation, the Screen Clean Station™ forecourt bin attachment, complete with a squeegee and 8 litre water reservoir, is the perfect addition to any petrol forecourt, and is compatible with both the Super Guppy™ and the Auto-Mate™ Petrol Forecourt Bin....
We have just started installing nuclear power stations that will not work. The French installed the same reactors and had to turn them off. They now have to import their electricity from abroad. 1 Reply Shed 5 years ago Reply to Geoff Geoff, electric is cheap compared with my diesel...
You also pay a fortune to park at the airport The tunnel does become busy for terminals 2 and 3 ..perhaps we need a drop off zone away from the airport near the M25 with a free shuttle to the terminals 16 Reply Else 5 years ago Reply to Mr D Rowe There is a way to avoid...
” Due to the lower speeds and the lack of technology in the car, in thirty years or so, it would be considered unsafe to have cars that cannot communicate with every other vehicle on the road, and while they may not be allowed on motorways in the not too distant future, there are ...