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This will be the year that opens the floodgates for massive new petrochemical capacities being brought on stream by private Chinese companies. They aim to integrate all the way upwards from their purified terephthalic acid and polyester plants to greenfield refineries. We could see major petrochemical...
Estimation Engineer and Analytical Research Executive in various reputed companies like SRF, Reliance Industries Limited, Haldia Petrochemicals Ltd.and Lanxess- Engineering Company. After completion of this course, the average salary for
Our Client is a Joint Venture Company incorporated as a Limited Company under the Company’s Act 1956 in Registrar of Companies, Chennai. Branches all over South India namely at Chennai, Bangalore, Coimbatore, Hyderabad & Trichy and Service Centers at Vijayawada, Guntur, Madurai, Trivandrum, Cochi...