PETROCHEM MIDDLE EAST FZE. , P.O BOX: 17028, JEBEL 是一家巴基斯坦供应商。易之家提供巴基斯坦供应商海关数据,您可以在线获取:PETROCHEM MIDDLE EAST FZE. , P.O BOX: 17028, JEBEL联系方式、关键负责人、海关交易明细、供应信息汇总、公司画像详情等精准数据;同时获
The year 1995 saw the inception of Petrochem Middle East FZE. We have since transformed the face of the regional petrochemical business and become one of the largest independent chemical distributors in the Middle East. Petrochem has built one of the most modern, state-of...