Pink Mice and Petri Dishes.(Exit Art Gallery, New York, NY)(biotechnology)Bailey, Ronald
One of the things you learn from Materialism... IF... you are capable of stepping apart from it for a moment... is that it puts you in a position where you have too much to lose and you can be easily manipulated thereby. Your position in society becomes a real thing. Your reputatio...
What Petri dishes have to do with your researchThis article, by Douglas VanDerwerken, was a runner-up in the Young Statisticians Group/Significance Writing competition. It nicely explains why throwing away data is not a good idea.doi:10.1111/j.1740-9713.2012.00577.xDouglas VanDerwerken...
Importantly then, within the symmetrical nature of this same constructionist lens, biomedical entities like germs and petri dishes need to be accounted for just as much as deities.RobertsDepartment of AnthropologyMedical AnthropologyRoberts, E. 2016. Gods, Germs, and Petri Dishes: Toward a Non...
This allowed efficient and reliable cell culture studies by providing large numbers of the same dishes, in addition to removing the fixation step of the NES plates inside the cell-culture container. Physical, chemical and mechanical properties of the NES, as well as cell behavior including ...
SUMMARYA simple automatic counting device for cells on Petri dishes is described. The device is tested up to 1 × 104 cells (0·01 m)−2 and counts linearly without coincidence error. The counting time for each dish is c. 3– 4 min including the time required to place the dish in ...
SUSTOVA, K., KUCHTIK, J., KRAČMAR, S., 2006: Analysis of ewe's milk by FT near infrared spec- troscopy: measurement of samples on Petri dishes in reflectance mode. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Men- del. Brun., LIV, 2, 131-138....
This design strategy has potential in fabricating highly efficient and low-cost CE materials with FTO-free substrates for DSCs.doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2017.11.073Van-Duong DaoChungnam Natl UnivVan-Tien BuiChungnam Natl UnivChoi, Ho-SukChungnam Natl UnivJournal of Power Sources...
biocompatibility, tunability, and wide-use of PDMS material make the adaptation and custom modification easy. To conclude, the proposed system is advantageous for low-cost cell culture micromanipulation studies, which include both mechanical stimulation and force characterization within user-defined operation...