1.(Poetry) (intr) to compose sonnets 2.(Poetry) (tr) to celebrate in a sonnet [C16: via Italian from Old Provençalsoneta little poem, fromsonsong, from Latinsonusa sound] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 19...
A sonnet is a specific type of poem that has been popular in English-language poetry and Italian poetry for centuries. The word ''sonnet'' comes from the Italian sonetto, meaning ''little song.'' The style was initially developed in Italy and later diversified. Sonnets consist of fourteen ...
Answer (1 of 1): A sonnet is a fourteen-line poem which must rhyme, and has general line length of ten syllables; within this definition, there are different types.The sonnet form originated in Italy, about 7-800 years ago, and the first type to reach En
Pequigney’s praise, “the greatest of all love-sonnet sequences”. The common literary tradition for writing love poetry that not only English but also continental poets followed in the sixteenth century was that of Petrarchism. Already after Francesco Petrarca, or Petrarch, had introduced this ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Petrarchan Thesaurus Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to Petrarchan:Petrarchan sonnet Pe·trarch (pē′trärk′, pĕt′rärk′)orPe·trar·ca(pĕ-trär′kä),Francesco1304-1374. Italian poet, scholar, and humanist who is famous forCanzoniere,a collection of...