This study was analyzed the UK e-petitions using machine analysis tools to identify the main reasons for public dissatisfaction with the UK's electrical energy initiatives. The e-petitions dataset was uploaded from the UK Government and Parliament website (the 33436 petitions for 2017-2020). For...
The introduction of e-petitions, which Islanders can use to lobby the government with any gaining more than 5,000 automatically considered for debate by the Assembly, follows a proposition from Deputy Scott Wickenden. Greffier of the States Mark Egan said: ‘We have redesigned our website and ...
PetitionCounter lets you keep track of petitions on from Discord. - maiacodes/petitioncounter
Results During the 2015–2017 parliament, 31,173 petitions were submitted to the UK Govern- ment, of which 10,950 petitions were accepted onto the platform. They collectively received 31.5 million signatures. Totally, 486 petitions reached the threshold for a response from the government (10,000...
作者: Department for Communities and Local Government, 摘要: What to do if you would like to deliver or send a petition to the Department for Communities and Local Government. DOI: 收藏...
Secondly again here in the UK we also have an online petition site run by the UK government which enables any citizen to open a petition and if they gain over 100,000 votes then the matter is taken up in parliament. So before putting everything in 1 basket please do a bit more investi...
6.UK Government and Parliament Petitions If the UK government has the authority to act on your petition, it's best to start a petition on its official website. Only British citizens or UK residents can start a petition on this website. Moreover, you’ll need to submit the email addresses... 查看更多 相似文献Discharge Petitions, Agenda Control, and the Congressional Committee System, 1929鈥 2007. "Discharge Petitions, Agenda Control, and the Congressional Committee System 1929-1976."... 訪問總量--7.8M 上個月變化0%30.13% 平均訪問時長--00:02:34 每次訪問頁數--2.54 跳出率--60.08% 使用我們的免費試用版,與所有網站進行比較 依國家劃分的流量佔有率 與與 依據國家/地區流量分析顯示,parliament....
In 2015, the government announced its plans to scrap the bursary for healthcare pre-registration courses, and introduce tuition fees. Much of the nursing community was not impressed with this, and a petition was set up via the UK Government and Parliament petitions website (https://petition....