Standby guardianship: a viable legal option for the future care of children. In 1992, the standby guardianship law, a significant piece of legislation, was enacted in New York State. Amended in 1994, this law enables parents who have progressively chronic or irreversibly fatal illnesses to petiti...
A petition for trust accounting is a legal document which may be filed in a civil court of equity in a county or state, in accordance with Rules of Civil Procedure for that location (jurisdiction). A person (for example, a beneficiary) or entity, which has a legal interest in the trust...
Phase distressed over the choice of the I is asking that the zoning for potential tenant-Martin's, Inc, a the property remain R-10, that large catering-convention center. no hotel-motel or convention than they were by the change complexes be built. Failing that, in zoning for the parcel...
GUARDIANSHIP FOR YOUNG ADULTS WITH DISABILITIES AS CONTRARY TO THE LANGUAGE AND PURPOSE OF THE INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES EDUCATION IMPROVEMENT ACT often at the urging of school officials, petition a court to become their children's legal guardians as the next step in the transition planning proces...