Petite Sirah (or Durif) is a black-skinned grape variety, with Petite Sirah being its North and South American name. In the rest of the world it is generally known as Durif, named after its discoverer, Dr. Francois Durif.
Petite Sirah earned its name from the small size of the berries and not the name of the wine. Petite Sirah is one of the biggest, most powerful and tannic wines produced in America. Until the early 1960’s, Petite Sirah was one...
关于“亨廷顿酒庄小西拉干红葡萄酒(Huntington Wine Cellars Petite Sirah, California, USA) ”的酒款综述 这是一款来自美国加利福尼亚州产区的红葡萄酒。 本酒款酿酒葡萄资料ABOUT GRAPE 小西拉(Petite Sirah)典型香气:蓝莓、巧克力、李子和黑胡椒 起源: 小西拉(Petite Sirah)是杜瑞夫(Durif)引入美国后的别称。18...
History: Petite Sirah (or Durif, the grape’s original name) was created by botanist Francois Durif in Montpellier, France, around 1880. The grape is a cross between Syrah and the even rarer Peloursin. It was imported to America by Charles McIver in the mid-1880s, where it got its ne...
小西拉(Petite Sirah)典型香气:蓝莓、巧克力、李子和黑胡椒 起源: 小西拉(Petite Sirah)是杜瑞夫(Durif)引入美国后的别称。1884年,美国加利福尼亚州(California)产区的琳达·维斯塔酒庄(Linda Vista Winery)首次引入了该品种。但由于“杜瑞夫”一词在美国市场并不受欢迎,为了适应市场,酒庄将其重命名…【详情】 ...
Petite Sirah (or Durif) is a black-skinned grape variety, with Petite Sirah being its North and South American name. In the rest of the world it is generally known as Durif, named after its discoverer, Dr. Francois Durif.
关于“阿拉塔斯小西拉干红葡萄酒(Aratas Petite Sirah, Napa Valley, USA) ”的酒款综述 这是一款来自美国加利福尼亚州产区的红葡萄酒,由小西拉酿造而成,酒液呈深邃的紫色,散发着白花、甘草、黑醋栗、黑莓和甜黑咖啡的香气,酒体醇厚,陈年潜力较好。
关于“吉哈德酒庄小西拉红葡萄酒(Girard Petite Sirah, Napa Valley, USA) ”的酒款综述 这是一款来自美国加州纳帕谷产区的红葡萄酒,出自吉哈德酒庄。这款酒主要采用老藤小西拉酿制,辅以少量慕合怀特和仙粉黛,成酒色泽深浓,散发出黑莓、覆盆子、无花果、咖啡和茉莉花等复杂香气,交织着白胡椒、丁香和肉桂的气息,充沛...
葡萄酒年份:2000 评分者:帕克团队 ?酒评 Possessing more weight than the Grenache (but little complexity), the 2000 Petite Sirah is a monolithic, tough-edged, deeply-colored example with too much muscle and structure for its moderate fruit levels. It will survive for 2-3 years. Tel. (707) ...
Trentadue Petite Sirah, North Coast, USA 年份全部年份 2004 2002 2001 1999 1991 1987 NV 国内市场参考价:¥348(NV年份) 酒庄特伦酒庄 产区美国 » 加利福尼亚州 品种小西拉 风味特征单宁厚重 厚重 酒款综述 此酒酒香浓郁,带有丰富的石墨、黑莓和紫罗兰香气及风味,单宁偏甜,令人印象深刻。