PETG also has excellent layer adhesion, meaning the layers of a 3D print stick together well. This results in prints with high structural integrity and fewer failures due to layers not sticking together. Another important property of PETG is its transparency.[5] While not completely clear, PETG...
You must have a level bed so you get a well sticking first layer before you will get a reliably good print. Second item. PETG does NOT like to be squished. Your first layer should be .3mm, not .1. Your flow of 110% on the first layer will get the "squish" down. ...
Yes, excellent layer adhesion and less warping Speed Between 30 and 70 mm/s Around 60–100 mm/s Heat resistance Will not melt or stick to itself under 100°C and could warp or twist out of shape Can melt around 50°C to 80°C Chemical resistance Poor, can be damaged by acetone, som...
I actually tightened the set screws before seeing your reply and have been printing without noticeable layer shifts! I thought I had tightened all the screws when building the kit, but apparently not. Since you are a SME… I have another issue that I’m scra...