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Noever, Peter, ed. Dagobert Peche and the Wiener WerkstaetteJulie M. Johnson
Article Google Scholar 18. X. Gu, G. J. Shiflet, F. Q. Guo and S. J. Poon, Journal of Materials Research 2005, vol. 20, pp. 1935-1938. Article CAS Google Scholar 19. Nengbin Hua, Zhenlong Liao, Qianting Wang, Lei Zhang, Youxiong Ye, Jamieson Brechtl and Peter K. Liaw,...
Research Selected Publications (for more seeGoogle Scholar) [[p.title]] [[p.authors]] [[p.status]] arxiv:[[p.arxiv_id]] [paper] [paper] [code] [blog] Mentorship and Community Interns:Abigail See, Jamie Murdoch, Ethan Steinberg, Eric Chu, Yu-An Chung, Jingzing Zhang (hosted by Ya...
- Staff Research Scientist, Google DeepMind (London) [firstname].j.[lastname]@gmail.com Twitter Bluesky Scholar I’m a researcher at Google DeepMind in London, where I’m building immersive 3D experiences. I’ve worked on 3D photos (1,2,3),3D videos, andNeRF flythroughs for Google Maps...
GMR and spintronics take their roots in the pioneering work of Albert Fert around 1970 on the influence of the spin on the mobility of electrons in ferromagnetic materials [1]. After having experimentally demonstrated that, in a ferromagnetic metal, the electrons of opposite spin directions (spin...
Bently, Peter and Matsuoka, Mei The Great Sheep Shenanigans Andersen, 2011, pp32, 10.99 [pounds sterling] 978 1 84939 207 5 [ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] This is another rhyming, illustrated picture book for very young children by Peter Bently. Lou the wolf at...
Peter Burke
Peter Geschiere, Peter Pels, and Birgit Meyer (eds). Readings in Modernity in Africa. London International African Institute, School of Oriental and African Studies, 2008. ix, 226 pp. Readings in Modernity in Africa is a rousing and groundbreaking bo...