如何永远消除自我怀疑和潜意识的力量 | Peter Sage | TED 17742024-06 3 爱就是勇敢 | 凯利·科里根 | TED Kelly Corrigan 17722024-06 4 拿破仑·希尔说过的改变世界的 20 句话 17092024-06 5 与任何人交谈的 7 种方法 | Malavika Varadan | TED 17362024-06 6 马云给学生和年轻人的终极建议——如何在生...
TED中英官方演讲稿-PeterHirschberg_2007P论电视和互联网.docx,1.Well, good morning. 大家早上好 2.You know, the computer and television both recently turned 60, and today Id like to talk about their relationship. 你们都知道 电脑和电视都接近60岁了 而今天我很
Best of the Web, like the rest of TED.com, involves compelling people and ideas. But unlike TED Talks, these videos don't come from TED or our partner conferences: they're curated from around the internet, drawing on freely available videos from creators with an idea worth spreading. ...
“It’s been really interesting to talk about the film in this personal way, because it really was never meant to be so personal,” Elemental director Peter Sohn said at Deadline’s Contenders Film: The Nominees panel Saturday.“The seeds sort of started,” the Disney/Pixar vet added of ...
the mes sage of the tex t but also the way the mes sage is conveyed ,the rhetori c ef ect of the source text.In the fol lowing p art,1 wi ll tal k at length ab out the choi ces i n the tr ansl ati on proces s of this nove1. ...
In sensation we include, in addition to the five familiar senses, the , kinesthetic sense, which comprises pain, orientation in space, the pas- sage of time, and rhythm. In feeling we include—apart from the familiar emotions of joy, grief, anger...
(sad to reflect that Sage himself died in 2012, and Stallone lost his first son – while Sage did a great job in Rocky V, Stallone cast another as his son in Rocky Balboa in 2008, a sign that things were not right). “Every day you learn something new and every day I forget ...