"Deep in the Forest" is Saban Films’ new action thriller, written and directed by Jeremy Dylan Lanni, starring Ursula Brooks, Derwin Jordan, Stuart Pankin, Peter Jason, P.J. Ochlan, Wendy Worthington, Eva Abramian, Will Bradley, Jedidia Dyer, Larry Cedar, Keith Stevenson, Spencer Martin...
One vibrantly colored item that decorated this party well was a white pail of bright red apples. They really stood out among the elegant pastels of the other decorations. The thank you gifts for coming to this wonderful party were caramel apples that were wrapped and tied off with pretty rope...
Why, when I have been running a AD&D 1e / OSRIC campaign in Rappan Athuk am I using Swords & Wizardry and it's variant, Crypts & Things, for the second campaign? (Actually, now running a S&W Complete campaign, soon to be with multiple groups) ...