“Peter Pan & Wendy,” a live-action reimagining of the J.M. Barrie novel and the 1953 animated classic, will begin streaming April 28, 2023, exclusively on Disney+. Check out the teaser trailer and key art for the original movie directed by David Lowery (“The Green Knight,”“Pete’...
When the carefree and careless Peter Pan flies into the nursery of the Darling home, Wendy follows her instincts for maternity and adventure, bringing her little brothers along to the magical Neverland to take care of the motherless Lost Boys. Soon the Darling children are swept into Peter's ...
Born January 23, 1923—Walter M. Miller Jr.He’s best remembered forA Canticle for Leibowitz, the only novel he published in his lifetime. Terry Bisson would finish off the completed draft that he left ofSaint Leibowitz and the Wild Horse Woman, a sequel of sorts to the first novel. He...
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On my free time I like to listen to music, jog and write parodies, some of my own lyrics have emerged while out jogging with headphones on so you could say that I occasionally manage to do all three at the same time. If only I could be as efficient with the syzygy of laundry, ...
Within days of arriving, he sold his first fiction script to the BBC. He was soon invited to join the BBC’s director’s training course and, the following year at the age of twenty-six, Rakoff became the youngest producer/director in the BBC drama department.As Rakoff once recalled: “...
9/17/2014 by Mike Fleming Jr DeadlineMagnet Releasing Acquires Worldwide Rights to Satanic The Wagner/Cuban Company’s Magnet Releasing announced today that they have acquired worldwide rights to Satanic, a new supernatural teen-horror film currently in script stage.Satanic will be the feature fil...
“Come back later.” The studio liked the script, but didn’t want Stallone in it – Ryan O’Neill, maybe, or Burt Reynolds. “My $40 car had just blown up, so I was taking the bus to work.” Lots of injuries during the production, knuckles flattened out punching beef – beef is...
(Robert Downey Jr.) unable to sleep following his near death experience free falling from the alien portal. To keep busy, he has designed a further 35 armours, as you do, and is experimenting with a mind-controlled version (Mark 42 for the nerds). A mysterious terrorist attack master...
(years previous they had sought to nestle under the shaky Townes Van Zandt in his twilight years). The band puts 11 of the covers on this album, while six more went into to the Extras CD (“Old Hotel”, “Marathon”, “Sad Peter Pan, “Guilty By Association”, “Forthright” and “...