While “Peter Pan & Wendy” is clipped and uneven in a way that prevents it from reaching the same heights as the director’s previous Disney project, this spirited fairy tale is still able to take flight for one simple reason: It maintains the courage of its own convictions. Here is a...
“Peter Pan & Wendy,” a live-action reimagining of the J.M. Barrie novel and the 1953 animated classic, will begin streaming April 28, 2023, exclusively on Disney+. Check out the teaser trailer and key art for the original movie directed by David Lowery (“The Green Knight,”“Pete’...
Basically, it is the Peter Pan story told again when it truly didn’t need to be. Disney has gone well out of its way to rewrite their own story telling and it isn’t really doing much for me. To be honest, my family watches Disney+ more for the original telling because that is w...
Since the inception of Disney Plus, the company has also notably opted not to include its 1946 musical film “Song of the South” in its list of content. The movie has not been available in any format for more than three decades, presumably because of its racist depictions of Black Americ...
The latest version of the story of the boy who never grows up, Disney+'s Peter Pan & Wendy isn’t a live action remake of the 1953 Disney animated movie, nor is it an origin story (like 2015’s Pan), or a painstakingly faithful adaptation of JM Barrie’s original novel either. ...
DISNEY And here is the film’s official synopsis: “Peter Pan & Wendy” introduces Wendy Darling, a young girl afraid to leave her childhood home behind, who meets Peter Pan, a boy who refuses to grow up. Alongside her brothers and a tiny fairy, Tinker Bell, she travels with Peter to...
DISNEY And here is the film’s official synopsis: “Peter Pan & Wendy” introduces Wendy Darling, a young girl afraid to leave her childhood home behind, who meets Peter Pan, a boy who refuses to grow up. Alongside her brothers and a tiny fairy, Tinker Bell, she travels with Peter to...
Certainly the most overrated director in Adult Cinema history, Axel Braun delivers another clunker hardly up to Wicked Pictures' standards with this desultory riff on Disney's "Peter Pan". Under the veil of parody, its existence is legally protected, but the only consumer protection is caveat em...
Japan ROASTS Disney's Peter Pan & Wendy! While Demon Slayer almost WRECKS Ant-Man 3!: Avec Yellow Flash. Japan is talking about Peter Pan and Wendy, and it's hilarious. It's not going any better for Disney at the box office either, as Ant-Man and the Was
With Disney set to releaseanother take on the talewithPeter Pan & Wendy, it's a great time to revisit the movies that came before. Whether they feature the original characters or entirely new ones, many play with the themes of magic, belief, and, of course, growing up—or not. ...