He called Peter Pan "absolute poppycock." 他居然说彼得潘根本就是假的 I'm sure he didn't mean it, John. 约翰,我相信他一定不是有意的 Father was just upset. 你们的父亲只不过有一点生气罢了 Poor Nana, 可怜的娜娜 out there all alone. 一个人在外面 No more tears, Michael. 麦克,不要再哭...
今天晚上 就不必再管这件事情了 He called Peter Pan absolute poppycock. 他居然说彼得潘根本就是假的 Im sure he didnt mean it, John. 约翰,我相信他 一定不是有意的 Father was just upset. 你们的父亲 只不过有一点生气罢了 Poor Nana, 可怜的娜娜 out there all alone. 一个人在外面 No more tears...
He called Peter Pan "absolute poppycock." 他居然说彼得潘根本就是假的 I'm sure he didn't mean it, John. 约翰,我相信他 一定不是有意的 Father was just upset. 你们的父亲 只不过有一点生气罢了 Poor Nana, 可怜的娜娜 out there all alone. 一个人在外面 ...
今天晚上 就不必再管这件事情了 He called Peter Pan "absolute poppycock." 他居然说彼得潘根本就是假的 Im sure he didnt 22、 mean it, John. 约翰,我相信他 一定不是有意的 Father was just upset. 你们的父亲 只不过有一点生气罢了 Poor Nana, 可怜的娜娜 out there all alone. 一个人在外面 No ...
《[小飞侠 彼得·潘1953版].Peter.Pan.1953》英中字幕.doc,片名:小飞侠 The second star to the right 一闪一闪的星星星星 shines in the night for you 在黑夜中闪烁 to tell you that the dreams you plan 它仿佛在告诉你 在告诉你 really can come true 美梦会成真 the
… Some elements of the film would have been familiar to people who had seen the play written by Barrie and first performed in 1904. The Darling children fly with the help of wires, and their canine nurse, Nana, is played by a man in a dog suit (George Ali, reprising his stage role...
Peter Pan Wendy Darling Captain Hook Tinker Bell Darling Family John Darling Michael Darling Mrs. Darling Mr. Darling Nana Jane Others Tiger Lily William Smee Tootles Nibs Slightly Curly The Twins Groups Pirates Lost Boys Natives Mermaids Pirates Locations Never...
Blast you, Peter Pan. Give up, Captain Hook?Give up? I'll teach you to cut off me hand!Oh, no, John.It was the left hand.Oh, yes. Thank you, Wendy.Wendy, the eldest, not only believed,but she was the supreme authority on Peter pan...And all his marvelous adventures.Oh, Nana...
He called Peter Pan "absolute poppycock." 他居然说彼得潘根本就是假的 I'm sure he didn't mean it, John. 约翰,我相信他一定不是有意的 Father was just upset. 你们的父亲只不过有一点生气罢了 Poor Nana, 可怜的娜娜 out there all alone. 一个人在外面 No more tears, Michael. 麦克,不要再哭...
He called Peter Pan "absolute poppycock." 他居然说彼得潘根本就是假的 I'm sure he didn't mean it, John. 约翰,我相信他一定不是有意的 Father was just upset. 你们的父亲只不过有一点生气罢了 Poor Nana, 可怜的娜娜 out there all alone. 一个人在外面 No more tears, Michael. 麦克,不要再哭...