Meaning:Peter, a Greek name meaning rock. Word Origin:Derived from the Greek word "πέτρα" (petra), meaning "rock" or "stone." Corresponding Greek / Hebrew Entries:While there is no direct Hebrew equivalent for "Petros," the concept of a "rock" or "stone" can be related to th...
历史来源1: The name Peter is a boy's name of Greek origin meaning "rock". Peter is derived from the Greek Petros, meaning “rock” or “stone.” One of the most important figures in the Christian hagiography is Saint Peter, keeper of the Gates of Heaven. Born Simon bar Jonah, he wa...
My name is Peter. Although I may be a bit biased, I love my name and I would never dream of changing it. The immature comments about the name Peter apparently being a slang term for a male body part did offend me a little bit. The real meaning of it is "Rock/Stone" and the ...
Leo the Great on the famous passage from Matthew 16 in which Jesus gives Cephas the new name of Peter, meaning rock, along with the keys to the kingdom of heaven. It is read each year on the Feast of the Chair of Peter, February 22. This feast celebrating Peter’s special authority ...
Is it just a name, or is there something deeper, something more profound? To understand Peter, you have to delve into its origins. It comes from the Greek name "Petros," meaning "stone" or "rock." This strong imagery is reflected in the character of Peter in the Bible, kno...
After all, it was “their” church or “their” ministry – the person was the headline name. Over against this is 2000 years of church history. If you want to find what was looked for in a leader, look at the lives of the saints (the tradition was well-aware of corrupt leaders ...
"I will praise God's name in songand glorify him with thanksgiving (Hebrew todah). This will please the Lord more than an ox,more than a bull with its horns and hoofs." (Psalm 69:30-31)"Do I eat the flesh of bulls,or drink the blood of goats? Offer to God a sacrifice of ...
The meaning of PETER is to diminish gradually and come to an end : give out —usually used with out. How to use peter in a sentence.
from the namePeter Noun (2) Late LatinPetrus, from GreekPetros, frompetrarock First Known Use Verb 1846, in the meaning defined atsense 1 Noun (1) circa 1902, in the meaning definedabove Noun (2) before the 12th century, in the meaning defined atsense 1 ...
"stone, rock" (see petrous), a translation of Syriac kefa "stone" (Latinized as Cephas),… See origin and meaning of peter.