He had great hair, which doesn’t get talked about enough, and when crazily wind-tossed on the deck of this ship (errr, boat?) it just proves the point: he isTOUSLED AF, all languid and asquint, and his gold watch, cigar, and off-duty button-down look as timeless in 2020 as th...
- Mary Kay & Carl We are glad we were able to meet Marilyn back when you would wheel her into the back of church for Sunday Mass. It was a privilege to bring her Communion. One could see she revered receiving the Lord, body, soul, and divinity. And now she can be closer than ...
When not in the woods, you can find Peter on the jiu jitsu mats, playing a game of chess, working in his woodshop or relaxing on his deck reading a book. Peter couldn’t embark on this great adventure without the support of his amazing wife and two great kids. Here are the ten ite...
acquisition; Roberta Nicholls as programming manager; Shannon Most as head of marketing; Cassandra Hilton-Beck as marketing manager; Richard Martin head of on air for Sf; Cameron Lee head of on air for TV1; Toscha Irving head of design;John Fischersenior editor; and Amy Lovric as financial...
Peter: Hello, Wendy lady. Give us a skwoodge. Wendy: Boy, why are you crying? Peter: I don't know. A tear for every happy thought. Wendy: One for me? Jack: One for me? Maggie: One for me? Tootles: And one for me! Seize the day!
I had pretty much sworn off days when you “died” on Days of our lives and then to hear that you are back, I’m still here! my question is : please tell me you’re going to stay to the grand age of 90 on the show?! Out live everyone on the sh...
Directed by Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia from a screenplay by David Desola and Pedro Rivera, the hot festival buzz title starsIván Massagué (“Pan’s Labyrinth”) and Antonia San Juan (“All About My Mother”), along with Zorion Eguileor, Emilio Buale and Alexandra Masangkay.Also Read: A ...
good book drops (yeah, too soon and too harsh, but people are dying over this stuff) and the endless string of women as entrepreneurs-a-paloozas and see if you can’t at least do something for the women held in a NATO-built prison that did not even exist under the Taliban, ‘kay?
foreign policy, meh, let’s blame social media and that damn rock ‘n roll you kids like and use it all as a way to clamp down on political speech the government doesn’t like. And now, mighty tech giants, you can help. Silicon Valley executives met with top government officials in ...