He had great hair, which doesn’t get talked about enough, and when crazily wind-tossed on the deck of this ship (errr, boat?) it just proves the point: he isTOUSLED AF, all languid and asquint, and his gold watch, cigar, and off-duty button-down look as timeless in 2020 as th...
We’re not even in Los Angeles so why the heck did this spider decide to turn into Blake Griffin? I did all that I could to locate this amazing half-spider /half-chameleon, part-time dunk champion, but there was nothing I could do other than to come to grips with the fact that thi...
Fascists in Italy and Germany brought thugs and murderers into party and state bureaucracy.” Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) has the nuts and bolts figured out “Republicans in Michigan have replaced election officials who certified Joe Biden’s win.” Anyway, you heard it here first, says ...
igateincompletedarkness(Griffin,1986). OverviewofSensoryProcesses Smell AnatomyandPhysiologyofSmell AgeandSexDifferencesinOlfactory Sensitivity DiscriminatingAmongIndividualsby Smell SmellasaModeofCommunication: DoHumansProducePheromones? Taste AnatomyandPhysiologyofTaste ...