Faces of Death Fact Not Fiction Films FADING PETALS Fairuza Balk Fairy tale FAITH Faith Baloyi Faith West Falklands War Fall 2024 Family Adventure FAMILY DINNER Fan Girls FANATICAL Fantasia Fantasia International Film FANTASTIC FUNGI FARANG Faraz Ayub Farid Bentoumi FATHER...
— to death or disability simply because they can’t afford treatment. And if you think for one moment that he even is remotely qualified or deserving of the role of President of the United States even though he knows so little of the Constitution that he would be sworn to uphold and def...
Death Note 2: The Last Name– While the first Death Note was about the spirits of death delivering vigilante justice, this one is about evading discovery, and the whole movie seems to be centered around the investigation of police detective L, and also around the media. Handsome young men a...
Young Martin Lee Anderson was evidently not the first person to be beaten at one of these boot camps. It was only his accidental death which forced the "black room" of the boot camps into the light; had he merely been maimed as intended, the routine physical brutalization of young black ...
The re-death of Rice has been clearly signaled by the former Deputy Chief of Mission in Libya, Gregory Hicks, in his leaked statements slathered all over CNN. The Republicans will go red meat crazy over all this, but they won’t find any smoking gun at the White House or from Hillary ...
Witkin described one of the dead men brought in on the last day as "a real punk, nothing good visually." But he used him anyway: "For some people, the evidence of their spirit is either there or not there in death. Nonetheless, when I saw this last guy, I said, 'I want him.'...
“i do care about the fact that in my community right now the leading cause of death among 18- to 45-year-olds is mexican fentanyl.” his criticisms of big tech as “enemies of western civilization” often get lost in the run of republican outrage over trump being kicked off twi...
in order to prevent the cosplayer’s untimely death from sweating under 175 lbs of costuming all day at Otakon, and you might end up doing several hundred dollars and several thousand hours of damage very easily. I’m a steampunk and a larper who’s married to a costumer, so costume ...
With the majority of the cast reduced to the famous death casts that can be found in museums (although I understand that these were actually produced by injecting plaster into the spaces left by decomposing bodies but hey, it’s a Paul W. S. Anderson film) and the credits rolling, I lef...
Now the head of the Boston-based Concussion Legacy Foundation, Nowinski has felt the sting of ostracization by many in the football community, and is clearly tormented by the life and death of his former teammate. Crucially important story, so well told by Babb, who is...